The CONTROL4COVID project-image


June 22, 2021

CONTROL4COVID project has received seed funding by the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) under the "SEED-COVID" call of the RESTART 2016-2020 programme. The project has launched on December 1st, 2020 and is expected to be completed by August 31st, 2021.

Project Vision:  Reduce the societal and economic impacts of pandemics, i.e. COVID-19

Project Mission:
-Provide a holistic solution to assist policy makers in deciding the most efficient responses to pandemics and other similar events
-Interface with the scientific community through anonymized data to propose modelling and response solutions
-Offer services to business to make informed decisions by understanding the uncertainties in the evolution of the different waves of diseases.

A short video explaining the functionality and benefits expected from using the PandoraSEAL tool can be found at:


The project is developing PandoraSeal, a secure intelligent ICT platform for managing epidemiological data and offer policy decision support to governments and other authorities. The platform is using dynamic learning of parameters of epidemiological mathematical models, combined with IoT data, aiming to build useful knowledge and support the authorities and the industry in cases similar to the COVID-19 pandemic to make more informed decisions about measures to implement using forecasts and estimations. The service is expected to be adopted in the tourism, retail, construction and transportation sectors, where the results of epidemic cases create significant negative impacts.

The proposed solution is described in the figure below. It includes:

  • Web-based Interfaces
  • A Semantically-enhanced Backend
  • An IoT Platform
  • A Pseudo-Anonymous Data Management Module
  • A Decision Support Module
  • Open-Access Models and Controls
  • Business Intelligence Modules


PHOEBE Research and Innovation Ltd
PHOEBE Research and Innovation Ltd (PHOEBE) is an SME which deals with the design, development and realization of cloud-based solutions, to help system operators and consumers to enhance efficiency, security and quality of their services. Its vision is to make smart technologies accessible to industrial operators, by designing cloud-based software and hardware solutions, combining state-of-the-art research, crowd-sourcing and machine learning, addressing challenges related to energy efficiency, waste reduction and enhanced security.

KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks, University of Cyprus
The KIOS Research Centre for Intelligent Systems and Networks (KIOS) operates within the School of Engineering of University of Cyprus. KIOS was established in 2008 with a primary mission to carry out basic research in intelligent systems and networks. Since its inception, KIOS has been contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the areas of computational intelligence and intelligent networked embedded system design, and applying these methodologies in monitoring, controlling, and optimizing the operation of large-scale complex systems. In 2017 KIOS was awarded a €40 million project to upgrade into the KIOS Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence (KIOS CoE). 

Project Identity


Title: Intelligent Emergency Information Management Platform for Controlling COVID-19

Project Contract Number: Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation / Programme RESTART 2016/2020 / DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONALLY COMPETITIVE INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES BY STARTUPs (Seed) / SEED-COVID/0420/0013

Start : 01/12/2020

Duration : 9 months

Co-funded by:


  • PandoraSEAL
Additional image for The CONTROL4COVID project
European Union: European Structural and Investment Funds
Additional image for The CONTROL4COVID project
Republic of Cyprus
Additional image for The CONTROL4COVID project
Structural Funds of the European Union in Cyprus
Additional image for The CONTROL4COVID project
Research and Innovation Foundation